Nessuna traduzione esatta trovata per once again

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Traduci francese arabo once again

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  • Just to tell you once again
    ? ليخبركم ?
  • Just to tell you once again who's bad
    ?! ليخبرونكم من الطائش ?
  • Just to tell you once again, who's bad.
    ? ! ليخبركم من الطائش ?
  • "Once again, Carol, you're all dollars and no sense."
    (مرة أخرى يا (كارول إنكِ بلا إحساس ولا هم لكِ سوى المال
  • Le Major général Dix m'a demandé de venir et d'être le témoin des préparatifs pour l'exécution je reviens vite toute l'équipe est partie pour la parade je vais savourer le calme ♪ When boyhood's fire was in my blood ♪ I read of ancient freemen ♪ for Greece and Rome who bravely led ♪ three hundred men and three men ♪ and then I prayed I yet might see ♪ our fetters rent in twain ♪ and Ireland, long a province ♪ be a nation once again! ♪ A nation once again ♪ A nation once again ♪ and Ireland, long a province ♪
    اللواء ديكس طلب مني الحضور وأشهد التحضيرات للأعدام سأعود بوقتا قصير
  • With regard to the first flight, the Saha Airlines official again acknowledged that the aircraft had landed in Tehran but said that it was a ferry flight, that is, an aircraft travelling empty. Once again, even in the absence of additional evidence, it is hard to believe that a Boeing-707 aircraft would be flying empty from Sharjah to Monrovia via Tehran.
    (أ) ينبغي تشجيع الحكومة الانتقالية الوطنية الليبرية على القيام على نحو عاجل باتخاذ مزيد من الخطوات الجريئة لإثبات التزامها بالشفافية والمساءلة، وذلك عبر العمل فورا على نشر حالات الفساد وسوء الإدارة التي يتورط فيها مسؤولون في الحكومة الانتقالية الوطنية وغيرهم من الموظفين العامين ومحاكمتهم كلما اكتُشفت.
  • ♪ How kind of you to let me come ♪ ♪ Now, once again, where does it rain? ♪ ♪ On the plain, on the plain ♪ ♪ And where's that blasted plain? ♪ ♪ In Spain, in Spain ♪ ♪ The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain ♪ ♪ The rain in Spain ♪ ♪ The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain. ♪
    * كم هو لطف منك أن تدعني آتي * الآن، مرة أخرى * * أين يهطل المطر؟ * على السهول، على السهول *
  • Encore. ♪ The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain ♪ ♪ I think he's got it ♪ ♪ I think he's got it ♪ ♪ The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain ♪ ♪ By George, he's got it ♪ ♪ By George, he's got it ♪ ♪ Now, once again, where does it rain? ♪ ♪ On the plain, on the plain ♪ ♪ And where's that soggy plain? ♪ ♪ In Spain ♪ ♪ In Spain ♪ ♪ The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain ♪
    .مجدداً الأمطار في إسبانيا * * .تهطل أساساً في السهول * أظن أنه فهم *
  • ♪ Take me ♪ Back into the arms I love ♪ Need me ♪ Like you did before ♪ Touch me once again ♪ And remember when ♪ There was no one that you ♪ Wanted more ♪ I'll be waiting for you ♪ Here inside my heart ♪ I'm the one who wants to love you more ♪ ♪ You will see I can give you ♪ Everything you need ♪ Let me be the one to love you more ♪ ♪ Some way ♪ All the love that we had ♪ Can be saved ♪ Whatever it takes ♪ We'll find a way ♪ Believe me ♪ I will make you see ♪ All the things that your heart ♪ ♪ Needs to know ♪ I'll be waiting... ♪ Here inside my heart ♪ I'm the one who wants to love you more ♪ ♪ Oh... oh-oh-oh ♪ Oh-oh-oh... ♪ Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh, oh, oh, ah-ha... ♪ ♪ Oh, whoa, oh ♪ Oh...
    * أعدني * * إلى حضن الذراعين التي أحب * * إحتجني *